Monday, March 26, 2007

Can you smell the skunks, Molly? Posted by Picasa

We put some new guppies in our aquarium, but Molly isn't so sure about them... Posted by Picasa

Here is Molly at the water playground at the Lowry Zoo in Tampa today. It's only March, so we made her keep her shoes on to stay warm. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Now the egg this momma was sitting on has hatched and a little yellow fuzzy crane is walking around campus distracting my Anatomy and Physiology II class. Maybe I'll post pics of it later.

This is another picture by that natural shutterbug, Olivia. Posted by Picasa

Here is a picture of a nesting Florida Sandhill Crane that was taken by Molly's shutterbug cousine Olivia. Thanks Olivia!!

It's hard to see, but can you find it? Posted by Picasa

Molly doing the Chicken Dance, celebrating a nice warm Spring day Posted by Picasa

Look at our cute little daughter! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A couple of cuties... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Molly's 2nd Birthday

A carebear from Gammy. Posted by Picasa

Molly loves plunging into the long grass at the garden... Posted by Picasa

...and Eliot does the same Posted by Picasa


Molly and Eliot

Doesn't this look like fun? Posted by Picasa


The gang at Bok Garden

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Blue Crab, don't bother me... Posted by Picasa

It appears Molly wants to be like her Uncle Eric, a general practitioner, but she might have a different specialization in mind... Posted by Picasa

If you can't tell, that is a sheep in hand, which, if you run into Molly, was the true subject of the photo. Posted by Picasa

This pic is a little fuzzy, but you can see how the character of Molly is changing day by day. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 05, 2007

Busy busy busy these days Posted by Picasa

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This is what happens when you tell Molly to say "cheese" Posted by Picasa

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